Most Common Questions about Solar Panels for Your Home

What are the benefits of solar energy?

Solar energy is a renewable and abundant power source, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. It helps lower electricity bills and has minimal maintenance costs. Solar panels can be installed in various locations, making them accessible to many. Additionally, solar power increases the resale value of your home and reduces carbon emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability.

The number of solar panels needed to power a house varies based on energy consumption and sunlight exposure. On average, a home may require approximately 15-25 solar panels. Factors influencing this include the household’s electricity usage, the panel’s wattage, and the amount of sunlight received in the area.

A house can run indefinitely on solar power alone if equipped with sufficient solar panels and a robust battery storage system. The system must generate and store enough energy during the day to power the home overnight or during periods of low sunlight. However, this greatly depends on location, energy consumption, and system size.

Absolutely! While south-facing roofs are ideal for solar panels due to their exposure to the sun, it’s not a strict requirement. East and west-facing roofs can still generate a substantial amount of solar energy. Modern solar panels are efficient and can capture sunlight at various angles. So, even without a south-facing roof, solar can be a viable and beneficial option for your home.

Solar panel systems are designed to be durable and long-lasting. Most manufacturers guarantee their panels for 25-30 years, but their lifespan often extends beyond this. Solar panels will likely last longer and continue producing significant power with proper maintenance and care. So, you can look forward to many years of sustainable energy from your system.

Yes, like most equipment, solar panels do degrade over time. This is known as their degradation rate. Solar panels lose about 0.5% – 1% of their yearly efficiency. However, after 25 years, most panels can still produce around 80% of their original output.

Yes, we understand the financial concerns of homeowners and emphasize the importance of assisting them through this crucial step. Our solar consultants simplify the process by reviewing various financing options to determine the best fit for each individual. They then connect homeowners with their chosen financial program, making the application process easy. This approach ensures that solar power becomes a feasible and accessible option for homeowners.

Solar Panel Consultation

What is a solar consultation?

solar consultation assesses your specific circumstances, such as energy consumption, possible incentives, and your property’s solar potential. It allows you to make an informed choice about whether going solar is a good investment.

A solar consultation benefits you in many ways. It provides:

  • customized solar solutions,
  • financial savings analysis,
  • cost-effectiveness evaluation,
  • incentive guidance,
  • technical expertise,
  • environmental impact awareness
  • long-term investment insights

Visit our website or call us to initiate the free consultation process. You may also book a free, virtual consultation using this link

Please provide us with your contact information, including your name, phone number, email address, and home address. Let us know your preferred date and time for the consultation. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule. We will also need your most recent utility bill to review your kWh usage history for the last 12 months.

A solar consultation with our experts can comprehensively assess your property and energy needs. They will evaluate these factors and provide you with tailored recommendations on the feasibility and benefits of solar for your specific situation.

Solar panels can raise a home’s value. Numerous studies have shown that properties with solar panel installations sell more quickly and for a higher price than those without. Solar panels are a desirable feature that can increase a property’s value since prospective purchasers are drawn to solar energy’s cost savings and environmental advantages. The actual value gain, however, may differ based on the region, the state of the market, the size of the system, and the property’s overall energy efficiency.

Going solar in 2023 may be a beneficial move for a variety of reasons. Solar installations are becoming more accessible as the cost of solar panels falls, thanks to financial incentives and tax credits. You can save money on power costs while lowering your environmental impact and contributing to a more sustainable future if you generate renewable energy. Solar panels can raise a home’s value while protecting it from growing energy expenses. Consult with a solar professional to examine your energy demands, available incentives, and the solar potential of your land to determine if it’s suitable for you.

Yes, solar panels are generally easy to maintain. With regular cleaning and basic inspections, solar panels can continue to generate clean energy efficiently for many years with minimal maintenance requirements.

We only sell premium solar panels from a variety of brands and wattages. The exact brands and specification sheets can be discussed during your virtual consultation. You can also email info@rxsun.com for more information.

Solar Panel Financing

How much do solar panels cost?

Investing in solar panels is a wise step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. The cost of solar panels will vary based on the type of solar panels you select (either monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin-film), the number of panels you’ll require, the size of your home, and the amount of power you use. Solar panels can range between $15,000 and $25,000 for a residential setup. Remember, this investment reduces your carbon footprint and significantly decreases energy bills!

Solar panel financing can be achieved through various means, the most common being solar loans. These loans typically range from 5 to 20 years, with some extending up to 25 years. This flexibility allows homeowners to choose a plan that best fits their budget. Additionally, solar loans often accommodate the 26% federal solar tax credit. It’s also worth noting that while financing incurs additional costs over time, the savings from reduced energy bills can offset this.

Solar panel financing offers several benefits. It allows homeowners to install a solar system without incurring upfront costs, spreading the expense over a longer period. This can result in immediate savings on electricity bills. Financing also enables homeowners to take advantage of tax credits and incentives. Moreover, it increases home value and contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

The savings from solar panels can vary greatly based on location, energy usage, and system size. On average, homeowners save between $10,000 and $30,000 over 20 years. However, these savings could be significantly higher in areas with high electricity rates.

The Solar Tax Credit, or Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), is a significant incentive for solar energy. It allows homeowners and businesses to deduct 30% of the solar energy system’s cost from their federal taxes. This credit makes solar power more affordable and accessible to many people.Eligible homeowners wil receive a rebate for 30% of the total cost of the residential solar system if they have an equal or higher tax liability.

The Illinois Shines incentive is a performance based renewable energy credit that the state will pay per kWh that your system is designed to produce. Homeowners will receive this incentive within the first year that the solar system is installed. It typically covers 30-35% of the total solar system cost.

Solar Installation

Do I need a special roof for solar panels?

No, you don’t need a special roof for solar panels. Most roof types can accommodate solar installations. However, the condition and age of your roof are important to consider. If your roof needs replacement soon, it’s often more cost-effective to do so before installing solar panels.

The duration of solar panel installation can vary based on several factors, including the size and type of your system. However, on average, the physical installation process usually takes 1 to 3 days. The entire process, from consultation to completion, might take 2 to 3 months.

Before installing solar panels, consider asking about the total cost, estimated energy savings, and time to recoup your initial investment. Understand the warranty duration and what it covers. Inquire about the panel’s life expectancy, maintenance needs, and the type of technology used. Lastly, verify the installer’s experience, qualifications, and if they have the necessary permits.

Yes, running your air conditioner on solar power at home is possible. However, there are a few factors to consider:

  1. Power Requirements of Your AC: The number of solar panels needed will depend on the power consumption of your air conditioning unit. Larger units will require more energy and, therefore, more solar panels.
  2. Solar Panel Capacity: The amount of electricity a solar panel can produce is influenced by its size, efficiency, and the amount of sunlight it receives. You’ll need enough panels to meet the energy demands of your AC, even on less sunny days.
  3. Energy Storage: If you want your AC to run at night or on cloudy days, you’ll need a way to store the electricity your solar panels generate. This usually means investing in a battery storage system.
  4. Inverter: Solar panels generate direct current (DC) electricity, but most AC units run on alternating current (AC). So, you’ll need an inverter to convert the electricity from DC to AC.

Overall, while running your AC on solar power is possible, consulting with a solar installation professional is best to assess your specific needs and ensure the system is set up correctly.

RxSun Referral Program

Who is eligible for the referral bonus?

For the Residential Solar Referral Program, past and current RxSun customers are eligible for the referral bonus. On the other hand, for the Contractor Referral Program, any contractor who becomes a referral partner with RxSun can earn referral incentives. These programs offer up to $500 per successful referral resulting in an installed system.

The RxSun referral program works in two ways: Residential and Contractor. For residential, past, and current, customers can refer to someone. If the referral results in a system installation, they will receive up to $500. For contractors, they become referral partners. They earn $100 for every referral that results in a virtual consultation and an additional $400 if it leads to a system installation. The incentives are delivered upon completion of the referral appointment or system installation.

  • Homeowners: For past or current RxSun customers, you need to call or email the RxSun office to make a referral. Ensure to provide the referral’s contact information, your name, and your solar consultant’s name.
  • Business Partners: The process is similar for business partners of RxSun wanting to make a customer referral. Call or email the RxSun office with the referral’s contact information, your company’s name, and your name.
  • Potential Partners: Contractors who wish to become referral partners with RxSun can also reach out via phone or email. They should provide their company’s name, business type, and name.

If you want to refer someone to RxSun, simply download our mobile app and sign up as an RxSun advocate. Once you do, you can enter the person’s contact details to complete the referral process. As an advocate, you’ll also receive your referral payments through the app, with several payment options to choose from.